This game is a little project I used to learn how to create games with UnityEngine and C#. It has no pretension at all, please be indulgent. :)

I tried to make it so that you can learn everything you need to know while playing. Do not hesitate to give feedback about bugs and/or anything else! Thanks!

Credits to:
- Gary Pettie from Team for the course about Unity 2D on Udemy this project started from.
- Kenney for his amazing and very useful game assets.
- Great free musics from Rikke and cynicmusic on
- Danqzq for his very helpful leaderboard creator on


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these fucking aliens keep desappearing ! nice game anyway

Thanks! I know, this bug was supposed to be fixed but apparently it was not, sorry about that! Honestly I won't really be coming back to this project for debugging because I really want to try new things now, but thank you for your feedback :)